Olga Vayshbein
+972-547 303 115
I am an artist, illustrator.
My works are mostly reflections of my relationship with my surroundings and thus they represent all my fears, hopes and the philosophy of life and death.
I chose the monotype technique because it conveys my mental state the most. Shades of black and white and all in between half tones and undertones, as well as contrasts and delicateness help me ideally in reflecting my vision of the surrounding world. There is also some interaction with the Universe, because my monotype at the beginning of the process goes on paper randomly and only then turns into something animated and meaningful, in response to my current state and mood.
Often, I am completely in charge of the working process, but sometimes my work leads me.
Black ink gives rise to a new creature (new life) on a white sheet of paper, and this magical feeling of creation inspires me and makes me want to create further.
In my works, I combine monotype and drawing with a pencil or an ink pen, and in some works I use a computer to combine my drawings and to create collages.
I am exhibiting my works since 2016. My participation in Duck&Dodo group wakes up my desire to create an art, so long ago forgotten in daily and working routine. I am always open for new projects and offers.